at Antwerp Diamonds, we work with brokers who specialize in natural fancy coloured
diamonds including blue, green, pink and yellow diamonds. Our brokers represent
or has access to many of the world's largest private collections, which include
diamonds in excess of 10 carats.  Diamonds
can be purchased unmounted or set in jewellery. Each natural fancy coloured
diamonds comes with a GIA Certificate verifying its quality and attributes. In
addition to selling coloured diamonds, we provide
all related services, including assistance in transportation
and storage of diamonds, consulting on insurance matters, and resale. Unlike
white diamonds, we do not list an inventory of natural fancy coloured
diamonds on this website. Instead, clients typically contact us seeking specific
stones. It is best if a client provides us with specific parameters, such as price,
carats, clarity, colour and cut. We can provide a response to a client's request
within a few business days.  If
you are seeking to acquire a natural fancy coloured
diamond, or collection of diamonds, please contact
us |