Hoge Raad Voor Diamant (The Diamond High Council) is best known as the HRD. The
officially recognized representative of the Belgium diamond trade and industry,
the HRD headquarters are located in Antwerp, World Diamond Center. One of the
departments of The Antwerp Diamond High Council (HRD) is the HRD Certificates
Department. Preceded by extensive research as of 1972, the HRD Certificates Department
was founded in 1976 to meet the growing demand for reliable diamond certificates.
Certificate guarantees the authenticity of a diamond and thus rules out the possibility
of it being an imitation or a synthetic diamond. Next, the Certificate contains
a complete quality description of the diamond, with regard to shape, weight, clarity
grade, fluorescence, colour grade, measurements, proportions and finish grade.
These quality characteristics determine the value of the stone.
Some diamonds
have a colour different from the normal type of diamond. The most beautiful among
these are called 'fancy colours'. On the HRD Diamond Colour Certificate, attention
is paid to the specific characteristics that determine the value of colour diamonds,
such as the colour description, the colour origin and the luminescence. Obviously,
it is especially important whether the diamond under examination is a natural
fancy colour diamond or a treated diamond. The Diamond Colour Certificate can
be requested separately or in combination with an HRD Diamond Certificate.
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Diamond in our weekly updated Diamond
Stock List. If you did not find your diamond, please fill in the 'Special
Request Form' and we will contact you within 24 hours to take the first step
in tracking down your favourite diamond.