your jewellery clean! If you want your diamond to look better than most
rings worn today-keep it clean! A clean diamond will have the same sparkle and
brightness that it did the day you bought it while a dirty diamond will look dull
and dark.
It's hard to keep a diamond ring clean. Diamonds are natural
grease attractors and can become coated with grease when they are immersed in
dishwater or when they come in contact with any greasy substance including hand
or body lotions and natural skin oils. Powders, hair spray and soap are also cut
down on a diamond's brilliance. A safe and easy way to clean a diamond ring
is to soak and wash it in warm sudsy water using a mild liquid detergent. Then
it can be dried with a soft, lint-free cloth. If the dirt on the diamond cannot
be washed off after soaking, try using a tooth pick, a Water Pick or un-waxed
dental floss to removed caked-on dirt. Brushes should be used with caution because
hard bristles can scratch gold mountings. You can also buy one of the brand-name
liquid jewellery cleaners, which usually include a container of cleaner, a basket
to soak the ring in and a small brush to clean hard to get at areas. Read the
label and follow its instructions. Don't touch your clean diamonds with your finger
since that simply puts oil back on them. For frequent travelers, jewellery cleaner
now is available in a foam dispenser that ensures you have beautiful jewellery wherever
you go. Ethyl alcohol and ammonia are also good for cleaning diamonds because
they help avoid the problem of water spots. Caution: Fracture-filled diamonds
should not be cleaned in solutions which are acidic or which contain ammonia since
they can cloud, discolour or even remove the filling material.
your jewellery Don't let your jewellery come in contact with chlorine bleach
which can be very damaging to the metal. Gold prongs can get pitted and actually
dissolve to the point they can no longer hold the diamonds or other gemstones.
Prolonged exposure to chlorine in hot tubs or swimming pools can have the same
effect. You might already protect your hands from harsh chemicals, but if you
don't think about your fine jewellery. Remove your rings or wear gloves to protect
them from products that contain chorine, because it can damage metal. Avoid dripping
bleaches and hair dyes on your fine jewellery. Ultrasonic
cleaners To get rid of encrusted dirt, it is sometimes necessary to
have the diamond cleaned professionally with steamers and ultrasonic cleaners.
There are many types of these small machines on the market that will clean any
piece of jewellery that can be dipped in a liquid. They consist of a metal cup that
you fill with water and detergent. When the machine is turned on, a high frequency
motion creates the cleaning action. Since each machine is slightly different,
read the instructions very carefully before use, especially concerning what types
of jewellery should not be cleaned using this method. A wrist watch should
not be "dipped" in any liquid, since many are not water proof and even
those that are can be damaged if dipped in chemicals that can disintegrate the
material used for sealing it tight. The best method for diamond watches is a jeweler's
polishing cloth for all metal parts of the watch and diamonds. Be careful with
the diamonds so as not to loosen the settings.
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Diamond answer here, please have a look at our Diamond